Sparky’s Juggle Jam

My Juggle Jam activation is great for Markets, Community events, Private bookings and Vacation Care OSHC Incursions.

I share skills on Juggling sticks, Juggling Clubs, Juggling Balls, Poi and Spinning Plates.

Sessions can be run as a Workshop or participants can Come and Go as they please.


Juggling Sticks

Juggling sticks always prove to be most popular. Young children start by simply rolling the sticks up and down their arms. Children from 5 years can start basic throws and tricks. Children from 10 years can attempt all sorts of tricks.

Adults love using the Juggling Sticks also. As the beginner tricks are done with two people, parents often start by helping their child. When the child is up and away, the adult then progresses to bounce, spin, flip and twirl with a big smile on their face. With a small amount of instruction, most adults are quick to look professional.

I can easily limit the number of participants at an open event by limiting the number of Juggling Sticks a nd other equipment available for use. Depending on the setting, we can also define the space with bunting or rolls of fake grass if required.

Juggling Sticks

Juggling Sticks for Purchase

Juggling sticks can be equally enjoyed by all members of the family and offer hours of fun.

They are great for eye-hand coordination, building strength, following instructions and perseverance.

They have proven to be an awesome substitute for screen time for those children with little interest in non-tech activities.

I make all of the Juggling Sticks I use in my business, and take new sets with me to sell at events.

Please click for more information on buying Juggling Sticks.

Purchase Juggling Sticks



Poi are an activity with Maori origins. The warriors once used them in battle to lauch stones at warring tribes, but now they are used by women in traditional dance.

My version is a tennis ball on a sting. A participant can use one or two at a time. I run people through a series of developmental challenges which all develop eye-hand coordination and proprioception.

Ball Juggling

Beginners start with one ball and are asked to progress through a series of challenges designed to develop confidence and control.

We then progress to 2 ball challenges, and if the participant is capable, 3 balls.

Club Juggling

Starting with one club, the fist challenge is to throw and catch the handle with a flip in the middle.

Right hand, and then left hand.

This simple first trick lays the foundations of the correct throwing and catching techniques to service all of the tricks to come.

Plate Spinning

Plate spinning is a difficult challenge, with success aided greatly by closely following the instructions and perseverance.

It is not for everyone.

The delight on people’s faces when they spin a plate for the first time is pure elation.